Step-1. Fill Out and Submit Form Provided Below.
Step- 2. Payment- (Page will appear after you click "Submit Form")
Step- 3. Review Your ad after published- (Call us for any editing)

If you have any Questions or issues with the form please call 701-200-4328 or e-mail
We have a standard 5 x 7 inch ad that is currently $50.00 a year and we are happy to give fist time users a full year listing for free. Listings will be updated every year and we will call you for editing and payment information.

Statistics for your Category will be available at your request, to ensure you are getting a return on your investment. Costs are as low as possible to ensure consistency of advertising from year to year.

Please fill out the short form and click Submit your business information to our directory. For general questions or to edit your listing; e-mail or call 701- 200- 4328.
Thank You Very Much